Friday, May 7, 2010

3, 2, 1 hour 'til

It's 8 o'clock on this beautiful Friday morning. I sit here exhausted, yet still I suffer from what is sure to be unwarranted anxiety. I take a deep breath in. And out. I can hear birds chirping in between Gooch's snore bouncing off his cage walls. He was let out early this morning in preparation of our departure thus he's already busied himself with his morning nap. LAZY DOG! I love him so!

Abel sits next to me dressed and ready to go - as he has been since 7 this morning. He just had to go to Subway with his dad and big bro this morning. The plan had been that we would all leave together for breakfast before dropping Asa at school and Abel at Granny and Papa's. Then we would be off to the docs. I was a mess this morning and alas, plans didn't go as expected. Or had they?

Dragging my feet, both figuratively and literally, Jason decided for Asa to get a hot breakfast they would have to leave without us. Us who? Abe had been ready before anyone else and standing by the front door - backpack in hand. So he left with them and Jason was to return after dropping Asa at school to get me. Fine.

Upon their return at 7:45 I was found feet up on the couch playing Dr. Mario to calm my nerves. I don't know what it is about organizing mass quantities of pills together that is so relaxing, but it always seems to do the trick. I only wish Dr. Mario did venoplasty. I'll have to look into that.

A bit distraught I was not at the door ready to go as Abe had been moments before - I asked why it was we were leaving so darned early? He looks at me, then at the clock atop the mantle, then back at me, then at the clock, then back at me, then at the clock . . . no! Only kidding, but he did look once at the clock and said quite clearly, "I don't know." I then suggested he go to work for a while. He seemed overjoyed practically running to his truck.

Discovering he was getting to stay awhile longer Abel celebrated by kicking off his shoes and socks. First a little Wii time while I catch up on Facebook and then on to "snot flicking" with Drop Dead Fred. "She killed me with the death breath!" We've only seen this movie about a zillion times since introducing it, what? A couple days ago? I know it was just this week. It's absolutely a must see! "Cobwebs!"

So here I sit. An hour to kill 'til we leave for the neurosurgeon. Prolly look at us and say, "what are you here for?" And what will I reply? Both my GP and my neuro referred me. Lies are out of the question. How should one reply? I'm here to get my jugular cleaned out. I'm here for testing of a vascular problem, Mr. Neurosurgeon. I'm here for tickets to Disney World.

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